
r Plants

Name Output Cost


Coal 200 MW $4,000

Hydro Electric 20 MW $400

Oil 220 MW $6,600

Gas 50 MW $2,000

Nuclear 500 MW $15,000

Wind 4 MW $100

Solar 50 MW $1,300

Microwave 1600 MW $28,000

Fusion 2500 MW $40,000


Output: 200 Mw

Cost: $4,000          

Advantages: Coal power is fairly cheap and is good for starting cities that start with only a few power plants.

Disadvantages: The main problem with coal power is that it is highly poluting and must be replaced in 50 years.

Hydro Electric

Output: 20 Mw

Cost: $400

Advantages: Hydro Electric doesn't have to be replaced every 50 years.  Uses space that you can't build anything on.  I consider this the best power source.

Disadvantages: It is moderately expensive and you need quite a few to power a city. Another disadvantage is that the need to be put on a water fall.  If you import the city into SimCity 3000 you will have no power.

Oil Power

Output: 220 Mw

Cost: $6,600

Advantages: Not as poluting as Coal power.

Disadvantages: Oil plants are quite a bit more expensive per Mw than Coal and are still fairly poluting. Needs to be replaced every 50 years.

Gas Power

Output: 50 Mw

Cost: $2,000

Advantages: Gas power is not very poluting.

Disadvantages: Extremely expensive for power output. Needs to be replaced every 50 years.


Output: 500 Mw

Cost: $15,000

Advantages: Nuclear power is not highly poluting and has a fairly high power output.

Disadvantages: Nuclear plants are expensive and need to be replaced every 50 years. If you have disasters on you may have a meltdown, this will destroy the plant and spread radiation.

Wind Power

Output: 4 Mw

Cost: $100

Advantages: Wind power is cheap and doesn't need to be replaced every 50 years.

Disadavantages: Power output is low, so you need use a lot of land to get enough electricity to power your city.

Solar Power

Output: 50 Mw

Cost: $1,300

Advantages: Solar power is cheaper than gas power and it has the same output.

Disadvantages: Solar power is not reliable because it doesn't produce power on cloudy days. Needs to be replaced every 50 years.


Output: 1600 Mw

Cost: $28,000

Advantages: High power output and not overly expensive.

Disadvantages: If you have disasters on the beam from its sattelite can be off target and start fires in your city. Needs to be replaced every 50 years.


Output: 2500 Mw

Cost: $40,000

Advantages: Fusion power is very cost effective and produces very little pollution. I consider this the second best power plant.

Disadvantages: If disasters are on a meltdown will destroy the plant, but not spread radioactivity. Needs to be replaced every 50 years.

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