The Sim City 2000 Arcos

Name Population Power Needed Cost Pollution Units
Plymouth Arcology 55,000 5 MW 100,000 15 units
Forest Arcology 30,000 5 MW 120,000 10 units
Darco 45,000 5 MW 150,000 12 units
Launch Arco 65,000 5 MW 200,000 15 units

Arcology Information:

Here is a picture of all the Arco's

From left to right: Plymoth Arco, Forest Arco, Darco Arco,  Launch Arco

HINT:  If you place a large number of launch arcos ( I beleve about 360 ) they will launch an you will get $16 million dollars!  BUT the population and arcos are gone.

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